Event Planning Services manages the scheduling of events/activities within Newcomb Hall, UVA Chapel, Ern Commons, O’Hill Forum, Runk Green Room, 1515 University Ave, and the Student Activities Building. The office is also responsible for reserving banner and tabling spaces as well as various outdoor venues.
To reserve space and/or plan an event on Grounds, please select an option below that best describes your affiliation with the University. The correct selection is important as the policies can vary by audience.
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Academic Space
EMS Training
Event Reservations
In-person, non-academic programs and activities on Grounds are cancelled through August 15.
Intramural-Recreational Sports Locations are now available for reservation via The SOURCE!
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The Source
Reserve academic space.

Event Management System
Reserve student activities spaces and plan events on Grounds.

Reserve recreation facilities.

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The historic UVA Chapel can host weddings, memorial services, meetings, and specials events for up to 250 guest.